David Binetti

Management Consultant
Creator of the Innovation Options Framework
School Board Trustee, West Ada

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I'm a six-time entrepreneur, having served on the founding team of companies ranging from consumer (QFN, later Quicken.com), to industrial (Arch Rock, acquired by Cisco Systems), to government (USA.gov, USA Today's Site of the Year in 2000), to social (Votizen, acquired by Pinterest) — with three stints as Founder and CEO.

Currently, I help larger organizations innovate faster with less risk through Innovation Options, a corporate governance approach that addresses the uncertainty companies face when pursuing breakthrough growth opportunities.

I received my Bachelors with Highest Honors and University Distinction from UC Berkeley, and my MBA from UCLA, where I received the Deloitte Consulting Award for Top Thesis in the Graduating Class. I reside in Eagle, ID with my wife and two daughters, where I serve as Trustee for the West Ada School District.

next: innovation options

Innovation Options

The predominant method for calculating ROI—Net Present Value, or NPV—totally fails under conditions of uncertainty. It requires us to make the most critical financing decision at the precise moment we have the least information.

Instead, we need a valuation method that can manage investment decisions until we know more about the market. This insight is what led me to create the Innovation Options framework.

Innovation Options value initiatives based not on unrealistic predictions about the future, but on the optionality they represent to the firm in the present. It is a more accurate, realistic, and sound approach to risk-management when addressing unstable or unproved markets.

next: services


I help organizations innovate faster with less risk.

Whether you are seeking to introduce your company to the latest innovation management techniques or want expert help integrating Innovation Options into your corporate governance workflow, I can help.


Complete One-Day Workshops


I offer complete one-day workshops that focus on hands-on exercises based on real-world examples.

Introduction Suitable for a general audience to learn the basics about iterative, learning-based innovation.
Advanced An advanced overview of the Innovation Options framework. Learn how to measure value, risk, and KPIs using the approach.
Product Managers A deep dive on the Innovation Options framework for Product Managers. Learn how to create, measure, and manage innovation projects effectively.
Finance A deep dive on the Innovation Options framework for Finance. Learn how to implement a KPI system that measures performance without stifling creativity.
Executive A deep dive on the Innovation Options framework for Executives. Learn how to put your entire product portfolio on the efficient frontier and help inform strategic decisions.

On-Call Executive Guidance


When you get stuck, you want to get un-stuck — fast. For situations where teams need addtional guidance I provide direct, personalized coaching on-call.

Want to discuss a unique situation? Need to review your slides before the big presentation? Hit an unexpected roadblock? In these situations it's great to have the counsel you need to get back on track as soon as possible. On-call coaching is available phone, email, text, chat, and video.


"Dave helped us make incredible progress, incredibly quickly. He understands the special challenges of innovation in the enterprise, and dramatically increased the value of our efforts with some key insights and tactics. I'd hire him again and recommend him to anyone running an innovation program in a larger organization."  — Beth S.
"It was great working with you to find new sources of revenue because the current model was headed for the dumps. Well it worked great! It was so awesome seeing it happen, literally step by step by step, exactly how you said. Very impressed with your foresight. — Andrew E.

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West Ada School District

I'm proud to serve the nearly 40,000 students of the West Ada School District as Trustee. I represent Zone 4, which includes Eagle and Star, as well as parts of Meridian and Garden City.

If you'd like to discuss a school related matter, feel free to call or text by cell phone at 208.713.4599. I'm always eager to speak with students, parents and teachers on how we can improve West Ada.

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